Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's the LAW!

Weber-Fechner... It's the LAW!

If I told you that this post was going to discuss the Weber-Fechner law and how it applies to your health, I'm guessing most of you would look at me sideways and some might even ask, "what the weber-fechner are you talking about" which is understandable. In fact, while the concept is familiar to most of us, the law itself was foreign to me too, until I read a recent post by Seth Godin. In case you didn't care enough to check out the link above (it's the purple Weber-Fechner law text) I'll briefly explain.

Gravity- The law you've probably heard of

Can You Feel the Change

The law speaks to our ability to perceive change in physical stimulus based on an initial stimulus. Specifically, more change is needed as the initial stimulus increases (Maybe just check out what Seth had to say about it...).

The Myth of the Frog in Hot Water

Change Your Health- And Notice It!

One difficult part of healthy lifestyle changes is that over the course of time, changes become difficult to notice. When an exercise program is new, it's oftentimes MUCH easier to notice changes- soreness, strength, endurance- you name it, you can DEFINITELY tell things are changing. But what about later on... what about that dreaded PLATEAU! The term speaks to a state of NO CHANGE. Think about it though- are things really NOT changing. Or, is it that we simply aren't perceiving the change?  We aren't able to tell that our cells are using oxygen more efficiently, balancing blood sugars and insulin response better, and better self-regulating the immune response to foreign molecules and aberrant cell processes. (Side Note- the human body is AWESOME!)

Change isn't always this obvious

The Good AND The Bad

The flip side of the perceived change coin is that we oftentimes lose sight of the changes happening to us that are BAD too. A simple understanding of the perception centers in the brain responsible for signalling fullness after a meal quickly explains how easily it is to "suddenly" weigh 10 lbs. more when you're busy paying attention to other things. So what's the answer?
FOCUS on the Right Changes
If you constantly use the wrong tools or look at the wrong measurements you won't SEE and FEEL the changes. If you're a chiropractic patient, hopefully you know that PAIN is NOT your problem and you should NOT use it's presence or absence to measure your health. If you aren't a chiropractic patient or didn't know that FACT already, now you know. Pay attention to things like FUNCTION. More importantly, measure your function- actually, have someone else MEASURE your function and then work to improve it.

What if You Don't? 

The simple truth is that if we cease to measure how well we function and work to improve that function we will surely LOSE function without noticing. How many changes are happening right now with your health that you aren't perceiving? How many are good? How many are bad? What are you planning to do to change your health?  If you don't feel sick and have no pain, but end up with that extra 10 lbs. or suffer a sudden devastating back injury- or worse (heart attack is often the first symptom of heart disease)- you might be surprised, but you shouldn't be- it's Weber-Fechner and it's the LAW!

Choose the right tool for the job

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

We spent $2 Billion on what!?!

Sugary drinks for Food-Assistance Program

Sugary drinks are under heavy scrutiny these days. If you weren't aware already, it is thought that sugary drinks are significant contributors to our ongoing obesity epidemic- rightfully so. Sugary drinks include soda pop and fruit juices (most of which have more sugar than pop). Just this month, in fact, New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg, successfully instituted a ban on the sale of large sodas in restaurants, food carts, and movie theaters- the New York City Board of Health upheld the ban last week. The NYC ban prohibits the sale of sugary drinks in containers larger than 16oz. Feel free to read more about the ban and its implications HERE.

More about that $2 Billion

According to a recent study conducted by researchers from Yale University's Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)- formerly known as Food-Stamps- pays AT LEAST $2 Billion for sugary drinks (soda pop, fruit juices, sports drinks). If that shocks you or causes you to turn and bang your head against the nearest wall, you're not alone. Lead researchers agree- stating that, while programs like SNAP are absolutely crucial, paying for products "at the core of public health concerns about obesity and chronic illnesses is misaligned with the goal of helping economically vulnerable families live active, healthy lives." DUH!

AT LEAST $2 Billion? Yes, you read that right

The study was conducted by analyzing data from a regional supermarket chain and cross-referencing that information with purchasing profiles of SNAP participants. A regional supermarket- that means that the estimated $2 Billion does not include Wal-Mart! That means this profile could be an underestimate, an overestimate, or it could be spot-on. Ask yourself- "are sugary drinks purchased at Wal-Mart using food-assistance?" ...AT LEAST $2 Billion!

Interested in Learning More?

If you're interested in more, much of the above information can be found in a news release from Yale University that can be found online. The study can be found in the October issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine and the CDC can be an additional resource if you're interested in reading more about sugary drinks.

Oh, Yeah!

I nearly forgot. How about recommending something useful? Well, if you're interested in becoming healthier yourself, try drinking water. Being dehydrated prevents your body from functioning optimally- oftentimes causing you to overeat! So give water a try and if you can't stand drinking water, try flavoring it with fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice- all of which are available to SNAP participants too!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to You- CHIROPRACTIC!

...♪How old are you?♪
117 Years and Counting!

In case you did not know, there is still time to celebrate. Tuesday, September 18, 2012 marks the 117th year since the first chiropractic adjustment was provided by D.D. Palmer to Harvey Lillard in Davenport, Iowa.

The First Adjustment

The reported events surrounding the first adjustment are often called into question, but since there are no eye-witness accounts to refute the story, let's not let other possible facts get in the way of a GREAT story! The first chiropractic adjustment was performed by DD Palmer on custodian Harvey Lillard, whom was deaf. In an encounter typical of most in any chiropractic office today, Lillard described how he had become deaf since injuring his middle back- Palmer then examined the area and found what he later described as a palpable lesion. Palmer then provided the first adjustment, realigning the palpable lesion and Lillard reported having his hearing restored almost immediately- stating he could hear the wagons in the street. 

D.D. Palmer

Harvey Lillard

Since then...

The history of chiropractic as a profession provides some interesting story-lines. Many interesting characters, other entertaining events of struggle and triumph, and yet a few unsettling truths. Through it all, the chiropractic profession today is likely as happy and as healthy as it has ever been. Thousands of chiropractors help millions of people from all walks of life in locations across the globe. 


So, if you typically do something special for yourself on your own birthday, feel free to do something special on Chiropractic's special day- she is 117 years old- and that is definitely something to celebrate!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Movie Time!

Forget the lights... We don't need a camera... This is about ACTION!

Whether you know it or not, health is the most important part of life. Just ask someone who isn't healthy what they would give if they could become healthy. Well, when it comes to health our country has not so quietly become a disgrace. We are inactive. We have poor dietary habits. We are obese. We manage stress poorly. We have diseased hearts. We have cancer.
But we PAY more to be healthy than any other country in the world!
So far this plot is looking like a tragedy.

Somethings DO Change

Interestingly though, some of the negative trends we have seen in the last decade are slowing. Maybe we are actually starting to be more active. Maybe we are starting to eat healthier. Maybe we aren't quite as over-fat as we thought. We probably still need to work on stress-management, which might explain why we are still not quite over the hump when it comes to impacting heart disease and cancer, but maybe we'll get there too.

Somethings NEVER Change

Somehow we are still paying exorbitant costs for our current health-care. Doctors continue to treat patients in a model of sick-care that isn't getting anyone healthier. This is where the story turns... for the better.


If you aren't aware, there are 2 documentaries COMING SOON to theaters near you! And these documentaries shine a light on our current system and, more importantly, offer SOLUTIONS for HEALTH! What a great story this could turn out to be... Maybe.

Watch. Support. Share. Change!

Now that you are fully interested in the documentaries, here are their trailers for your viewing pleasure. Watch them. Support them. Share them. And MAYBE we can all be part of changing the health of our families... and the future of health in our country! Maybe.

ESCAPE FIRE: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare


Monday, September 10, 2012

Chester the Cheetah- Fights What?

Yeah, Right!

Do you have a filter? You know, that filter you put information through to see if it stands up to certain expectations- such as common sense. Is an action reasonable, or is an outcome what would be expected by a reasonable person. Many learn from Sesame Street as children to create a filter- which of these things is not like the other; what just doesn't belong?


Chester the Cheetah handing out tasty bags of highly processed, highly delicious, and highly UN-nutritious snacks at a Heart-Walk held in Dallas by The American Heart Association. It is obvious that as a sponsor, Frito Lay's bought their right to parade Chester out there with the walkers to "push" product, but I have one question: Where is the line? When do we draw the line that delineates acceptable from unacceptable? When is something so inconsistent with our overall message that we must say NO! It undermines the good of each individual participating in the walk- their struggle if they're a survivor, their sacrifice if they're a supporter. I've said enough, but you can see for yourself HERE.

That Reminds Me...

The greatest example of Corporate America being out-of-place I have personally witnessed was the time I visited The Ohio State University for some GREAT continuing education. It was the first time I have ever been to Columbus and it was a great experience seeing the sights on-campus (The 'Shoe is AMAZING). My course was held near the Wexner Medical Center, which houses the Ross Heart Hospital and is apparently a great place to have cardiovascular surgery- if you ever need such a thing. And just in case you don't need it yet, they are doing what they can to make sure you do need heart surgery later. "Located on the ground floor between Doan Hall and James Cancer Hospital," is WENDY'S!  It was part laughable and part tragic. I guess it is a form of job security... if you're prone to that type of humor. Seriously, their website tag line states- One of the Nation's Top Hospitals

What's Our Message

Whether you are appalled by these examples, find them hilarious but accept them as commonplace, or both- it really is time to start drawing a line when it comes to health. Support individuals and organizations with a message that passes through your filter. It is time we ask groups like the American Heart Association to look in the mirror- they have a little cheetos cheese on their face!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shoulder Injuries? We can help!

Football season is here! ...and, with it comes an expected increase in shoulder-related injuries- have you tried arm-tackling a Mack truck? My shoulders ache just thinking about it!
There are many types of shoulder injuries- caused by any number of reasons, because the shoulder is often put in harm's way (and not just during tackling). 

What is Your Shoulder Made Of?

The shoulder is VERY important- it essentially attaches the arm to... the SPINE! There are several muscles and joints involved in this function, which means there are several muscles and joints that can become injured. Being very mobile, which is great, the shoulder allows the arms to move in many directions. The quickest way to appreciate this function is to feel the effects of losing it- a rotator cuff injury (muscles/tendons injury), a shoulder seperation (AC joint injury), a dislocation (glenohumeral joint), a stinger (nerve injury), or even frozen shoulder (the whole thing!). 

Who Has a Shoulder Injury?

(If you raised your hand- YOU probably don't have a shoulder injury)
The truth is, anyone can have a shoulder injury for any number of reasons, but people doing overhead activity on a regular basis- for work or athletics, has a higher risk of sustaining a shoulder injury.


What are some treatment options?

Treatment will depend on the injury, but excluding a traumatic injury many shoulder injuries can be treated with a combination of rest, ice/heat, anti-inflammatory therapy (via diet or medication), adjusting the dysfunctional joint in the shoulder (as mentioned above) AND getting your SPINE adjusted! Believe it or not, treatment in areas around the shoulder help improve an injured shoulder as well. Adjusting the thoracic spine and the cervical spine are the most common areas.  

Getting Help

If you are looking for a chiropractor to help you with your shoulder pain, try to find someone with advanced training in treating such injuries. While most chiropractic colleges do cover treatment for extremity injuries (including the shoulder) there are post-graduate professional certification programs that provide advanced training. Two examples include the Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner (CCEP) program and the Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP) program.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Kids' Lunch- Make it Healthy AND Fun!

Help kids achieve and maintain a healthy weight- make school lunch Healthy AND Fun! 

As a follow-up from last week to our introduction to Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, today we are going to talk about how to help kids eat healthy by sending them to school with a healthy lunch they are more likely to actually eat. There are 2 important points to keep in mind- 1st, it's important to give kids healthy food choices and 2nd, they need to eat it!

Give them a choice

Our kids have few choices in life. Most of the time they are told what to do and are not always involved in making that decision. When they choose, they are more likely to eat healthy. The key: make ALL the options healthy! They may not like fruits or veggies, but let them make the choice- carrots or celery; orange or apple; cucumber or tomato.

Add dip

Not all dip options are great, but if the only way we get them to make a healthier choice is letting them dip it something more appetizing to them, then maybe a little is okay- but only a little! The better option is to find a healthy dipping option- perhaps one you can make with them at home! Just as allowing them to choose helps with follow through on eating healthy, getting them involved with food preparation can do the same thing. Find simple dip recipes that include healthier ingredients like plain non-fat yogurt and get the kids involved in making it- maybe give them recipe options to choose from too. It can be a quality time experience for the whole family!

Make it special

Creating special lunch-time options can help kids eat healthier too. Try mini-kabobs by cubing low-sodium deli chicken or turkey and cheese- fruits and vegetables like grapes or grape tomatoes. Also use different types of bread, like pita or tortillas. With whole-wheat options, unique food choices can be appealing to kids too. Using hummus and fresh vegetables can be added to improve taste and nutritional value too.

Presentation Counts!

Kids are more likely to eat things in smaller, bite-size pieces or slices. Whether it's a sandwich or fruit-medley, making it "kid-size" makes it more appealing, which increases the likelihood it will be eaten. Create fun shapes or designs on sandwiches or with fruit to keep things fun as well.

Warm their hearts- with hot lunch!

Using a thermos to periodically add warm options to their lunch menu. Again, just make the warm options as healthy as possible. If macaroni & cheese is their favorite, make a homemade version using whole-grain pasta options and even add some small broccoli florets. Or, try 3-bean chili with carrots and zucchini- whatever they like at home, try to put a healthy option on their lunch menu.

Quench their thirst- with Water!

Water is a much better choice than sugary fruit juice or soda-pop. The health benefits of water are many and the negatives from juice or soda are also MANY! Stick with water, but try to keep it tasty by adding a squeeze of lemon or lime to add some natural flavor.

Size Matters- Teach them portion control!

It is becoming more clear that the type of calories we consume is important, but still debated. What isn't debated is the simple math that weight control is highly influenced by the balance between calories consumed  and calories used. That being said, portion control might be the single most important factor in maintaining healthy energy balance. Make sure kids know how much they should be eating- good or bad, if we're still eating too much we're still going to battle obesity.

Now what?

Before you start packing lunches for Johnny and Jill, check with their school's policy about sack lunches. Many schools no longer allow peanut butter or other foods due to potentially lethal allergic reactions (yes, that means no PB&J). Next, find a go-to-resource for healthy recipes and make your shopping list. Include kids in this part of the process by giving them a choice from some of the healthy recipes you find. Next, ask your friends and family for ideas- share your ideas- share the information you just read- and share with us! What suggestions do you have for helping kids eat healthy?