Monday, September 10, 2012

Chester the Cheetah- Fights What?

Yeah, Right!

Do you have a filter? You know, that filter you put information through to see if it stands up to certain expectations- such as common sense. Is an action reasonable, or is an outcome what would be expected by a reasonable person. Many learn from Sesame Street as children to create a filter- which of these things is not like the other; what just doesn't belong?


Chester the Cheetah handing out tasty bags of highly processed, highly delicious, and highly UN-nutritious snacks at a Heart-Walk held in Dallas by The American Heart Association. It is obvious that as a sponsor, Frito Lay's bought their right to parade Chester out there with the walkers to "push" product, but I have one question: Where is the line? When do we draw the line that delineates acceptable from unacceptable? When is something so inconsistent with our overall message that we must say NO! It undermines the good of each individual participating in the walk- their struggle if they're a survivor, their sacrifice if they're a supporter. I've said enough, but you can see for yourself HERE.

That Reminds Me...

The greatest example of Corporate America being out-of-place I have personally witnessed was the time I visited The Ohio State University for some GREAT continuing education. It was the first time I have ever been to Columbus and it was a great experience seeing the sights on-campus (The 'Shoe is AMAZING). My course was held near the Wexner Medical Center, which houses the Ross Heart Hospital and is apparently a great place to have cardiovascular surgery- if you ever need such a thing. And just in case you don't need it yet, they are doing what they can to make sure you do need heart surgery later. "Located on the ground floor between Doan Hall and James Cancer Hospital," is WENDY'S!  It was part laughable and part tragic. I guess it is a form of job security... if you're prone to that type of humor. Seriously, their website tag line states- One of the Nation's Top Hospitals

What's Our Message

Whether you are appalled by these examples, find them hilarious but accept them as commonplace, or both- it really is time to start drawing a line when it comes to health. Support individuals and organizations with a message that passes through your filter. It is time we ask groups like the American Heart Association to look in the mirror- they have a little cheetos cheese on their face!

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