Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shoulder Injuries? We can help!

Football season is here! ...and, with it comes an expected increase in shoulder-related injuries- have you tried arm-tackling a Mack truck? My shoulders ache just thinking about it!
There are many types of shoulder injuries- caused by any number of reasons, because the shoulder is often put in harm's way (and not just during tackling). 

What is Your Shoulder Made Of?

The shoulder is VERY important- it essentially attaches the arm to... the SPINE! There are several muscles and joints involved in this function, which means there are several muscles and joints that can become injured. Being very mobile, which is great, the shoulder allows the arms to move in many directions. The quickest way to appreciate this function is to feel the effects of losing it- a rotator cuff injury (muscles/tendons injury), a shoulder seperation (AC joint injury), a dislocation (glenohumeral joint), a stinger (nerve injury), or even frozen shoulder (the whole thing!). 

Who Has a Shoulder Injury?

(If you raised your hand- YOU probably don't have a shoulder injury)
The truth is, anyone can have a shoulder injury for any number of reasons, but people doing overhead activity on a regular basis- for work or athletics, has a higher risk of sustaining a shoulder injury.


What are some treatment options?

Treatment will depend on the injury, but excluding a traumatic injury many shoulder injuries can be treated with a combination of rest, ice/heat, anti-inflammatory therapy (via diet or medication), adjusting the dysfunctional joint in the shoulder (as mentioned above) AND getting your SPINE adjusted! Believe it or not, treatment in areas around the shoulder help improve an injured shoulder as well. Adjusting the thoracic spine and the cervical spine are the most common areas.  

Getting Help

If you are looking for a chiropractor to help you with your shoulder pain, try to find someone with advanced training in treating such injuries. While most chiropractic colleges do cover treatment for extremity injuries (including the shoulder) there are post-graduate professional certification programs that provide advanced training. Two examples include the Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner (CCEP) program and the Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP) program.

1 comment:

  1. Regular supplements and medication that are normally used to treat knee injuries can help in reducing some pain and inflammation. In some cases, they may even delay or avoid knee surgery. perimeter spine and rehab reviews
