Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pay Now or Pay (MORE) Later

Death & Taxes... and other certainties

We all know that life brings with it some undeniable certainties. Death and taxes come to mind from the old adage, but other certainties exist too- they just aren't as certain. Yesterday I was reminded of one such certainty- by a patient that obviously understood (their) personal mistake and how (they) weren't going to let a loved one make the same mistake.

Problem Solving

The certainty, in general terms, is that if a problem exists it is generally less "expensive" to solve it sooner rather than later. The expense can be real in terms of dollars and cents or it can be indirect in terms of time and/or effort and frustrations. Point being, the best time to solve a problem is the moment you realize there is one.

Patient Experiences

As a chiropractor, my message is one of prevention; optimize your health to best reduce your risk for injury or illness. We see the examples daily of people whom have let their personal health slip to the bottom of the priority list. Then, they find us after reaching the tipping point where injury or illness prevents them from doing their job, enjoying time with their kids/friends/family, or they lose their independence entirely. Under such circumstances it takes more time and energy from the patient and the chiropractor to get the patient back to health. One such patient wasn't about to let the same thing happen the their significant other- which is one of the BEST parts of what we do; seeing someone understand and apply the principles of health.

Certainties- Principles of Health

Simply stated, it is MUCH easier to maintain health than to restore it once it is lost. Maintaining health takes less time, less energy, less money, less frustration, which means if we wait too long it will almost ALWAYS cost more- more time, more energy, more money and more frustration- to restore health. So, just like your car needs preventive maintenance- you need it too! 

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