Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Does your doctor think you're worth it?


I read the following headline this morning as I skimmed some general resources I use to keep up-to-date on what people might be talking about today- "Vitamin D supplements no help for colds, flu"
Being interested in current best evidence when it concerns health, I read the media release to help me decide if I should read the actual study (I probably should- and will do so later, but this post has nothing to do with the study results). 

What The "Expert" Said

The jury is still out on vitamin D and just what it is best used for in supplemental form and for what groups of people- it is known that vitamin D is AWESOME and if you have a deficiency health problems can arise, but how far reaching its awesomeness is has not been well established. Like a lot of research with the potential of having a great impact, there was an editorial published in the same journal issue. The author of the editorial was also quoted in the media article, which is what I would like to discuss. This is what he had to say, 

"Colds are inevitable. We all get them, and they make us all miserable, and I don't think we're going to come up with a way around that. Besides eating a balanced diet with lots of vitamins and minerals, and exercising, and generally living a healthy life, it's unlikely that we're going to find one single pill or cure that's going to prevent them or lessen their severity."

The Best Medicine

After reading the "expert" statement I immediately felt sorry for his patients. His quote gives me the impression that his view is one of acceptance. He simply accepts that colds happen and when a patient visits his office they will be told that this just happens and there is NOTHING that can be done. Nothing... EXCEPT eat a balanced diet with lots of vitamins and minerals, and exercising, and generally living a healthy life. I wonder if he ever tells his patients that they have a choice. They can be healthier and PREVENT (which really means lower the risk) many illnesses and negative health conditions. Why? Why would he not recommend something that will CERTAINLY help!?! There are many possible reasons to pile on the growing pile of speculation, but I have heard doctors suggest before that patients don't follow through with lifestyle changes. So, rather than give you a chance to prove him wrong- he assumes you will prove him right and therefore doesn't even waste his time trying to REALLY help.


Next time you visit your doctor, ask how diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle choices might help your condition. Don't let your doctor give up on you. And, if you find that your doctor has given up on you, then maybe it's time to give up on him and find another doctor! There are no magic pills, which is why if you seek health and real prevention find a doctor willing to help you get there.

Don't let your doctor treat you like this

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