Thursday, August 30, 2012

Is TV making our kids Unhappy?

TV Advertising- IT WORKS!

In case you didn't know this already, TV advertising makes us (ALL- especially kids) want stuff. And, because it works, TV advertising apparently encourages materialism (defined: having a preoccupation with possessions and believing that products bring happiness and success). The significance of materialism is that it is related to life satisfaction-  in a NEGATIVE way! A new study published in the journal Pediatrics suggests that time spent watching television as a child has an impact on their satisfaction in life. 

What Researchers Say

"Children who were less satisfied with their lives do become more materialistic over time, but only when they are frequently exposed to advertising," said study lead author Suzanna Opree. "Advertising seems to teach children that possessions are a way to increase happiness."  She added, "previous studies among adults indicate not only that people with lower life satisfaction become more materialistic, but also that more materialistic people become less satisfied with their lives." "Hence, although we do not find any short-term affects- after one year- it is likely that children's materialism will lead to decreased life satisfaction later in life."

More Bad News

Developmentally, babies that watch television have shown delays. They can have delayed cognitive and verbal development, according to a 2010 study. And, TV watching can decrease the likelihood of babies learning new words, shown in a 2009 study.

There is evidence supporting the negative impact of increased TV viewing, including: being overweight, encouraging poor dietary habits, leading to poor academic performance, contributing to poor behavior, developing poor sleep habits and adding to other health issues

What To Do

The easy answer is NOT watching TV yourself- teaching your children better viewing habits by being a better example. If you need other ideas, there are resources out there- here are a few (Interventions Strategies, Learn the Affects). 

Bottom Line

It is recommended that child under 2 years should NOT watch television- AT ALL! After that, limit screen time and make sure content is constructive and appropriate. It seems like a difficult task, but when considering the negative impact viewing-time can have on our kids- being unhappy, overweight, less intelligent, and outburst-prone- it seems like an easy decision.

Share this information with your friends and family- talk to your kids about it as well. Also, if you have comments/questions/concerns let us know!

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